Week of January 21-25:
1/21:  No School/ Martin Luther King, JR. 
1/22:  FunVisor/ Lunch Den/ First Recess
1/24:  3rd Grade Fieldtrip

Save the date:
1/28:  ELAC Meeting/ 9:00am
1/31:  HSA/ 8:00am
1/31:  Panther Den
2/5:  Class/5th Grade Panoramic Pictures
2/11:  ELAC Meeting/ 9:00am
2/11:  SCC Meeting/2:20pm
2/14:  Panther Den/ First Recess
2/14:  Happy Valentine's Day! <3
2/18-22:  No School/Winter Break
2/26:  FunVisor/Lunch
2/28:  Assembly/Oscar and the Big Bully Battle
2/28:  HSA/8:00am
2/28:  Panther Den/First Recess
3/7:  Assembly/Island of the Blue Dolphin Expedition